Biographical reconsiderations and clarifications to the corpus of Mexican composer and cellist Rubén Montiel

  • Luis Antonio Santillán Varela Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo


The figure of the Mexican composer and cellist Rubén Montiel had been very little treated and researched until today; therefore, we have found incomplete and inconsistent references to this composer in the lexical entries of specialized dictionaries, as well as in works previous to this research. This article will show in a rectified way, the biographical data of Montiel; likewise, those corresponding to his musical production. The results of this study are derived from a documentary and field research based on primary and secondary sources, under a qualitative approach; which implied the reconstruction of certain historical facts through the comparison of documents located, organized and intervened musicologically. Among the primary sources that were considered for this research, we can mention photographs, hand programs, press clippings, verbal testimonies of family members, portraits of  the author, scores, drafts, autograph letters, and also the composer's autobiographical notes as a starting tool. Some events and data narrated in other sources were confirmed, corrected and clarified, thus achieving the most complete and reliable document ever written on the figure of Rubén Montiel.


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How to Cite
Santillán Varela, L. A. (2024). Biographical reconsiderations and clarifications to the corpus of Mexican composer and cellist Rubén Montiel. RICSH Iberoamerican Journal of Social and Humanistic Sciences, 13(26), 29 - 40.
Research Articles