The Perception of School Space and its Impact on the Learning of Secondary Students to Professionals in CDMX

  • Gerardo Chávez García Universidad del Distrito Federal


The result of this work shows the findings found regarding the perception that some students have about the spaces where they learn or practice a sport. Among them the fact that improvements in spatial conditions are necessary to contribute to learning and self-improvement. The objective of this research conducted in Mexico City at the beginning of  2019 was to evaluate and understand the circumstances that are currently lived in the school space, being so important for progress and competitiveness in the country. The research was conducted within the interpretive hermeneutic paradigm. It is of qualitative nature. Two interviews were conducted in middle school and high school scholarship students, plus a professional level focus group, with sports scholarship, as key informants of the study community itself. Likewise, theoretical and descriptive material from various authors from different eras was collected and explored for qualitative critical-analytical understanding, within the complexity paradigm, thanks to which an analysis model was generated for the understanding of information and action to the improvement of educational spaces. Finally, it was concluded that an imbalance of the conditions and equipment of schools for academic activities, with great demand in our country before a highly competitive world.


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How to Cite
Chávez García, G. (2020). The Perception of School Space and its Impact on the Learning of Secondary Students to Professionals in CDMX. RICSH Iberoamerican Journal of Social and Humanistic Sciences, 9(17), 169 - 188.
Research Articles