Facebook groups as a space for promoting literature and interaction between readers and writers

  • Rocío L. Cortés Campos Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán


This research analyzes the alternative spaces for promoting literature on the virtual social network (VSN) Facebook, through groups created to advertise original literary works. Through a digital ethnographic method, the research specifically studies the dynamics and strategies spreading, approach and interaction between users, whether they are authors or readers. The focus is especially on the analysis of those groups in which independent writers who publish their works through electronic platforms, like Amazon, Wattpad, Booknet, etc. The main promotion dynamics are posters, videos by the same authors, recommendations by literary promoters, or by the readers themselves. The range of followers of the groups oscillates among 500 and 200,000 users (from different e-reading platforms). It is remarkable the interaction that occurs among users (authors and/or readers) regardless of the platform on which they publish, since the vast majority of them participate in said literary promotion groups, and end up establishing contact thanks to said those VSN , establishing affinity just for the pleasure of reading.


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How to Cite
Cortés Campos, R. L. (2024). Facebook groups as a space for promoting literature and interaction between readers and writers. RICSH Iberoamerican Journal of Social and Humanistic Sciences, 13(25), 46 - 71. https://doi.org/10.23913/ricsh.v13i25.328
Research Articles