The Generation of Environmental Actions Promoted by Public Policies on Environmental Issues

  • María Guadalupe Curro Lau Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla
  • Edith Molina Carmona Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla
  • Andrea Estupiñán Villanueva Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla


This work undertakes a review of the concept of public policy and the relevance it can have on environmental issues, either locally or internationally. The concept allows us to see specific actions and the need for social interaction between various actors to make a difference in certain regions of the planet; the way in which governments, communities, citizens and individuals work together to establish global rules that commit governments to develop actions that claim customs, traditions, native peoples, styles and quality of life. Among the results, it is also emphasized that the lack of agreements and intervention strategies undermine and exterminate regions or territories, as well as cultures.


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How to Cite
Curro Lau, M. G., Molina Carmona, E., & Estupiñán Villanueva, A. (2022). The Generation of Environmental Actions Promoted by Public Policies on Environmental Issues. RICSH Iberoamerican Journal of Social and Humanistic Sciences, 11(21), 1 - 17.
Research Articles