Legal nature and effects of public consultations

  • Gelacio Juan Ramón Gutiérrez Ocegueda Universidad de Guadalajara


In this work the fundamental bases of human rights are known, as well as the sustenance of democracy and public consultations in the Mexican context, thus addressing the theoretical and conceptual frameworks, concerning topics typical of human rights, democracy and public consultations, to move towards the particular study of the regulatory regulation of public consultations in the Mexican state, to further face a comparative analysis that various countries have experienced in the field of public consultations. It is developed with the support of synthetic, analytical and dialectical methods, to determine if it is through Public Consultations that the human right of democracy will be brought closer to the whole society, the result of which is that the Mexican legal system does not have an adequate regulatory regulation applicable to topics specific to these consultations, and confirming that before a very small degree of effectiveness and efficiency it is not feasible to guarantee them an encouraging future.


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How to Cite
Gutiérrez Ocegueda, G. J. R. (2021). Legal nature and effects of public consultations. RICSH Iberoamerican Journal of Social and Humanistic Sciences, 10(19), 1 - 35.
Research Articles