Disciplinary Requirements for Improvement in Today Musical Performance

  • Nadezhda Borislavovna Borislova Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla
  • Gerardo Martínez Hernández Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla


This article arises from the need to approach disciplinary referents about musical interpretation from a non-commercial perspective, for those who notice in the musical interpretation a tool of humanistic transcendence. For instance, is reference the importance of the age of initiation, among some other ideas to introduce the world of interpretation during the infant stage, taking special care in the selection of the instrument and the provided times designated for the practice. Likewise, special emphasis is placed on first sight reading as a transcendent tool for the execution of interpreters. Along the same lines, other holistic tools are suggested for the interpreter development, such, firstly, evolving a certain physical condition and achieving adequate nutrition, while prioritizing cultural and intellectual development as part of the soul’s food.


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How to Cite
Borislavovna Borislova, N., & Martínez Hernández, G. (2019). Disciplinary Requirements for Improvement in Today Musical Performance. RICSH Iberoamerican Journal of Social and Humanistic Sciences, 8(15), 298 - 317. https://doi.org/10.23913/ricsh.v8i15.171
Research Articles