Interstices of postmodernity in the mexican manga DREM

  • Sarahi Isuki Castelli Olvera Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla


Introduction. This article discusses the Mexican manga DREM, created and published in Mexico in 2008 by the designer Lorena Velasco Terán. It is assumed that DREM is a Mexican comic strip in whose argument postmodernity is presented as a cultural dominant, even though the features of modern narrative are preserved. Objective. Analyze the iconography and graphics of the Mexican manga DREM, to identify the elements of modernity and postmodernity present in the visual and written narrative. Method Analysis of the image based on the paradigm of inferential inferences of Carlo Ginzburg by means of which, details were identified in the graph of the primary source, and then trace its historical and cultural references. Finally, the references of Jameson and García Canclini are analyzed. Results. We came to the conclusion that the narrative takes elements of the modern and postmodern fantastic story, which are intermingled and separated at times. From the fantastic modern story, the narrative takes up the dream and psychoanalysis to locate supernatural within the subject. From the fantastic postmodern tale, the narrative takes up the multiplicity of the subject's self, the religious phenomenon interspersed with the psychoanalytic, the spatial and temporal rupture. Conclusions In this mexican manga, postmodernity appears as a cultural dominant in the first six volumes; in the last, modernity predominates. DREM is a product created in a context in which the dialogue between the different graphic products of distant and distant cultures is accentuated, and gives way to new creations where fragmentation and spatial / temporal mixtures are constant in overlapping narratives and They break, as a reflection of the postmodern world created by today's blurred borders


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How to Cite
Castelli Olvera, S. I. (2019). Interstices of postmodernity in the mexican manga DREM. RICSH Iberoamerican Journal of Social and Humanistic Sciences, 8(16), 55- 84.
Research Articles